our services
Physical Therapists or Physiotherapists are University trained healthcare professionals that provide services to people to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and function. Physical Therapists have many specialties including orthopedic, neurologic, cardiopulmonary, geriatrics and pediatrics. The Physical Therapists at the Humboldt Therapy Centre have experience in all of these areas and have specialized training in Orthopedics and Sports Therapy. Treatments provided by the Physical Therapists commonly include prescription of or assistance with specific exercises, manual therapy, education and other interventions. The Physical Therapists take an individual’s history and perform a thorough examination to determine a diagnosis and management plan. They work in communication with other healthcare practitioners obtaining diagnostic reports to aid in the assessment and treatment process.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body. The purpose of this technique is to balance energy and blood in order to obtain a state of balance within the body. Therapists at the Humboldt Therapy Centre take a modern approach to acupuncture, called Anatomical Acupuncture, which combines the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce its own pain relieving chemicals called endorphins, which help to block pain messages from reaching the brain. This will cause general relaxation, improve the energy and balance within the body, promoting natural healing. Staff at the Humboldt Therapy Centre are credentialed through the Acupuncture foundation of Canada Institute.
read more on acupuncturedry needling
This is a procedure that enables the muscles to be lifted and the dry needling done in a transverse direction using a plunger or needle holder. This releases trigger points and spasms allowing the muscle to lengthen. This process relieves pressure on nerves, increases flexibility, allows for better mobilization of stiff joints, and reduces pain to re-establish normal function. Electrical stimulation prior to the needling provides an analgesic affect by bypassing the endorphin system. This technique is effective in treatment of chronic pain and myofacial tightness. It can also be used in conditions resulting in shortening of a muscle causing stress at the anatomical attachment such as in lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and chondromalacia(patello-femoral syndrome).
massage therapy
There are tremendous benefits to be achieved through regular massage therapy treatments from a Registered Massage Therapist. Whether your need is to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, a therapeutic massage can enhance your overall sense of emotional and physical well-being. Massage therapy can be an important part of your health maintenance plan by: reducing or eliminating pain, improving joint mobility, improving circulation, improving lymphatic drainage, reducing muscular tension. Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability. This treatment is provided by independent Massage Therapists at the Humboldt Therapy Centre.
The Humboldt Therapy Centre Gym is fully equipped with a wide range of weight lifting and cardio equipment. The gym is open to the public and has convenient hours of operation to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. Personal exercise programs are also available.